About Us

Our Beliefs

The doctrinal basis of Lefkosa Protestant Church is the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith rewritten in Modern English which can be found here.  As this is a large document (which some find hard to read) we have produced a briefer statement called  “Our Beliefs”.


Our Ethos

The following document simply sets out the ethos of the Lefkoşa Protestant Church.  It is our heart felt desire to be like this 24/7 but as work in progress we are not perfect yet, we will be when Jesus returns. Click hear for a PDF

Christ centred

Jesus Christ is Lord and head of the church and of our lives. Prayer is vital and effective in all we do as we seek to follow him.


The Bible is understood to be the word of God. It is the guide for our individual lives, church practice, and the source of all our teaching.


We welcome all into an atmosphere of warmth and love. We endeavour to provide for families, individuals, old and young whatever their background.


We want to live out our faith in the 21st century, showing Christ as not only relevant but essential to life today. We seek to use the best of the new without forsaking the richness of the past.


We serve all, local and expat alike. We are in a multi-language and multi-cultural community and look to show the love of Christ to everyone without prejudice.


The Christian life includes service, and all have been given gifts to use to the glory of God.

Outward looking

The church has a message to share that is urgently needed by those without Christ.  We actively seek to make the Good News known.







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