TBT The Bible Talks (Week 3)

“Redemption Accomplished and Applied”

This weeks focus will be how Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit make the work of our redemption posable.  While it is a heavy subject it is deeply thrilling.  One the past day there will be a change of emphases to Jesus’s second coming.

For the full time table follow the link:-  TBT 2024 Week 3

What follows are all the audio and resources from TBT week 3.


The Lord Jesus Christ; Redemption Accomplished

01) Jesus’ Birth, Childhood and Baptism. 

Video and Audio 

Power Point Notes 301 TBT – Jesus’ birth, childhood, temptation and baptism

02) Jesus’ Teaching and Miracles 

Video and Audio 

Power Point Notes 302 TBT – Jesus’s Teaching and Miracles

03) Group Exercise: Luke 4:16-21: What do these verses teach us about Jesus and would you apply them in teaching it?

04) Jesus death in the Gospels.

Video and Audio 

Power Point Notes TBT 305 – Jesus death in the Gospels

05) Group Exercise: What does Isaiah 53 teach and how is it used in the NT?



The Lord Jesus Christ; Redemption Accomplished

06) Jesus’ death in the epistles (what did Jesus’ death achieve?) Part 1

Video and Audio

Power Point Notes TBT 306 – Jesus’ in the epistles (what Jesus’ death achieve?)

07) Jesus’ death in the epistles (what did Jesus’ death achieve?) Part 2

Video and Audio

Power Point Notes TBT 307 – Jesus’ in the epistles (what Jesus’ death achieve?)

08) Group Exercise: How is Christ’s death used in the book of Ephesians?

09) The Resurrection

Video and Audio

Power Point Notes TBT 309 – The Resurrection

Jesus Resurrection The Fact- handout

10) Group Exercise: 1 Corinthians 15 – Jesus’ resurrection: It’s importance to God’s people.



The Holy Spirit; Redemption Applied

11) The Holy Spirit – Introduction 

Video and Audio

Power Point Notes TBT 311 – The Holy Spirit

12) The Holy Spirit’s work in conviction.

Video and Audio

Power Point Notes TBT 312 – The Holy Spirit’s work in conviction

13) Group Exercise: Produce a Bible Study outline on John 16:12-15

14) The nature of conversion. New birth, new creation. 

Video and Audio

Power Point Notes TBT 314 – The nature of conversion. New Birth, new creation.

15) Group Exercise: The nature of repentance and faith.

Power Point Notes TBT 315 The nature of repentance and faith. 



The Holy Spirit; Redemption Applied

16) Justification and Adoption. 

Audio and Video 

Power Point Notes TBT 316 Justification and Adoption

17) The aim of the Christian life (holiness, obedience and sanctification). 

Audio and Video 

Power Point Notes TBT 317 The aim of the Christian life (holiness, obedience and sanctification). 

18) Group Exercise: Conformity to the image of Christ.

19) The power of the Christian life: the Holy Spirit’s work.

Audio and Video 

Power Point Notes TBT 319 The Power of the Christian Life

20) Group Exercise: Dealing with controversies around the Holy Spirit.



The Last Things

21) Jesus’ second coming: what and when. 

Audio and Video 

Power Point Notes TBT 321 Jesus’ second coming: what and when. 

22) Last judgment and hell. 

Audio and Video Sorry due to some technical issues the second part of this message is here.

Power Point Notes TBT 322 Last judgment and hell. 

23) Group Exercise: Jesus’ teaching about life after death.

24) The age to come/new creation. 

Audio and Video 

Power Point Notes TBT 324 The Age to Come

25) Questions.